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<=KNEC Diploma in Food and Beverage Management Module III: Principles and Practice of Management past paper November 2014

Explain four ways in which a supervisor may discourage upward communication in an organization

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Questions List:

1. Identify four qualities that managers should possess in order to perform their duties effectively
2. Outline two limitations of the scientific school of management thought
3. State four factors in the external environment that influence the activities of an organisation
4. Explain the difference between job specialization and job description
5. Explain the meaning of each of following principles of management: (i) Unity of command (ii) Principles of equity
6. State four steps involved in the process of control
7. State four communication channels that may be used for downward communication in an organization
8. State four causes of indiscipline among employees in an organization
9. Outline four ways in which a business enterprise can act in a socially responsible manner toward the community in which it operates
10. Outline four factors that may hinder effective coordination in an organization
11. Based on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory, explain the ways in which a manager can motivate their employees
12. Explain five limitations of using autocratic leadership in an organization
13. Explain three reasons that make planning necessary in an organization
14. Explain three reasons that make control an important function of management
15. Explain four ways in which a supervisor may discourage upward communication in an organization
16. outline four advantages of the functional organizational structure
17. Explain three measures that management of an organization may take to ensure that ethical codes are adhered to.
18. Employees in your organization have demanded higher wages and salaries to match that offered by a competitor in the neighborhood. As a human resource manager, explain five reasons that may make it difficult to meet these demands
19. Explain four factors that determines an individual’s ethical standards
20. Most of the plans established at Kwazulu Bakers Limited have ended up in failure. Explain six reasons that may have led to this situation
21. Industrial relations at Super Bakers Limited have deteriorated in the recent past. Outline six economic factors that may be responsible for this situation
22. Explain three factors that may determine the activities that an organization may engage as part of its’ corporate social responsibility
23. The management of Imala Cookies Limited fills vacant position internally through promotions. Outline four disadvantages of his practice