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<=Diploma in ICT module 3 Data Communication and Networking past paper: July 2011

with the aid of a diagram, describe the OSI model as used in data communication. (9marks)

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Questions List:

1. State two advantages of using differential Manchester in data encoding. (2marks)
2. Distinguish between email software and network software as used in computers.(4 marks)
3. Pongezi T.T.I intends to install a local area network in order to improve communication in the institute. Explain three factors other than cost they should consider when selecting the transmission media for the LAN. (6marks)
4. Figure 1 shows a network of two branches of a company in different countries. Use it to answer the questions that follow. i) Identify the type of network justifying your answer. (2marks) ii) Describe the process of data communication between a computer in County A and another in County B. (6marks)
5. State four forms of data as applied in data communication. (2marks)
6. State the function of each of the following components as used in data communication: (i) Receiver; (ii) Protocol; iii) Channel iv) Transmitter
7. With the aid of a diagram, describe statistical time division multiplexing as used in data communication. (6marks)
8. A cyber café often experiences network congestion due to the overwhelming demand for browsing services. Explain three strategies that could be used by the network to handle the congestion. (6marks)
9. State three functions of a network operating system. (3marks)
10. Distinguish between the stop and wait ARQ and the continuous ARQ error corrections methods. (4marks)
11. Assuming that 100 pages are to be downloaded from the internet, calculate the minimum bandwidth for the channel. Hint: Each page has 30 lines with each line having 120 characters. (2marks)
12. Given that the distortion rate of a signal in a transmission media is -0.6db/km, determine the power of a signal after 7km whose initial power is 3Mw. Hint: dB=10log10P^2/P^1
13. Figure 2 shows a network design. Use it to answer the questions that follow.
14. Distinguish between dynamic router and a static router. (4marks)
15. With the aid of a diagram in each case, describe two types of switches as applied in data communication. (6marks)
16. The following stream of bits are to transmitted through a data communication system. 10011010 Given that the system uses one of the following encoding schemes, draw the line code for each encoding schemes: i) unipolar; ii) Bipolar AMI;
17. State two parts of an IP address. (2marks)
18. ii) State the class for the following IP address; 175. 138. 147. 240 (1mark) iii) Convert the IP address in (ii) to its binary notation equivalent. (2marks)
19. Jane, a network administrator at a particular company, intends to subnet the company’s local area network. i) Define the term subnet. (2marks) ii) Explain three reasons for her action. (6marks)
20. with the aid of a diagram, describe the OSI model as used in data communication. (9marks)
21. State the network device that operates at each of the following layers of the OSI model: I. Layer 2 II. Layer 3.
22. With the aid of a diagram, describe the star bus topology. (4marks)
23. Describe three characteristics of an analog signal as used in data communication. (6marks)
24. Distinguish between message and packet switching techniques. (4marks)
25. Differentiate between FDDI and ATM networks as used in data communication. (4marks)
26. With the aid of a diagram, describe the operations of IEEE 802.4 network standard. (6marks)
27. Explain the importance of contingency measures as used in networking. (2marks)
28. Explain three goals of data security as used in data communication. (6marks)
29. Explain the function of each of the components in a network; i) Air conditioner; ii) Power back up; iii) proxy server.
30. With the aid of a diagram, describe the Go –Back-N ARQ as used in data communication. (6marks)

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