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State output generated when each of the following visual basic codes are executed. (4 marks)
(i) Dim ch As integer
For ch = 1 to 20 step 2
If ch = 10 Then
Print ch
End if
Print ch
(ii) Private sub command_click()
Dim string1 As string
Dim string2 As string
Dim string3 As string
Dim string4 As string
String1= “abcdefgh”
Print string1
String2 = mid$(string1,2,3)
Print string2
String3 = mid$(string1,3)
Print string3
String4 = mid$(string1,2)
Print string4
End sub
(iii) Dim strtest as string
Strtest = strstrReverse$ (“ Visual Basic”)
Print strtest
End sub
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