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<=KNEC Diploma in ICT module 2 Visual Programming past paper: July 2015

Distinguish between local window and immediate window as used in a visual basic programming language. (4 marks)

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Questions List:

1. Agrey would like to install a payroll system developed using visual basic programming language. State four system requirement necessary for a successful installation. (4 marks).
2. State the property that would be set in order to achieve each of the following when designing an interface in a visual basic program: (i) change the background colour of form (ii) limits the acceptable values of a field (iii) Change size of control (iv) prevent accidental movement of the controls.
3. Explain the function of each of the following controls in a visual basic programming environment; (i) Data; (ii) Ole; (iii) Combobox
4. State output generated when each of the following visual basic codes are executed. (4 marks) (i) Dim ch As integer For ch = 1 to 20 step 2 If ch = 10 Then Print ch End if Print ch Next (ii) Private sub command_click() Dim string1 As string Dim string2 As string Dim string3 As string Dim string4 As string String1= “abcdefgh” Print
5. Describe the term variable life time as used in visual basic program. (2 marks)
6. Ali wrote a program and declared each of the following as a variable name. Explain giving a reason in each case, why could be incorrect. I. 123name; II. Number one III. End sub
7. Figure 1 shows the startup window in a visual basic programming environment. Use it to answer the questions that follow. Explain the function of each of the options labeled (i), (ii) and (iii). (6 marks)
8. Andrew has developed a system and would like to test the system for the errors. Describe three ways in which he can trap the error during runtime in a visual basic program. (6 marks)
9. State six properties of the label control as used in visual basic programming. (3 marks).
10. Distinguish between a variable and an array as used in programming. (4 marks)
11. Explain two advantages of using debug object to display an error message as opposed to a msgbox() in a visual basic program. (4 marks)
12. Given the following numbers 5, 2, 4, 6, 1. Use insertion sort algorithm to arrange the number in ascending order. Show each step of the operation. (9 marks)
13. Distinguish between local window and immediate window as used in a visual basic programming language. (4 marks)
14. Explain a circumstance under which each of the following events of Ado Data control may be used: (6 marks) (i) WillchangeRecordset; (ii) RecordChangeCompiler; (iii) FieldChangeComplete.
15. Distinguish between a command object and recordset object as used in a visual basic program. (4 marks)
16. Write a visual basic program that would display the series 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21…N in a picture a picture box. The program should prompt the user to input the value of N. Attach the code to a command click event. Use a for loop. (6 marks)
17. Distinguish between procedure-level and module-level variables as used in a visual basic program. (4 marks)
18. Outline two ways in which an argument can be passed to a parameter in a visual basic program. (2 marks)
19. Write a visual basic program that would accept the first date and the second date through the use of an input() and display the number of days between the two dates in on a form. Attach the code to a command click event. (6 marks)
20. Describe a linear data structure as used in programming. (2 marks)
21. With the aid of a diagram in each case, describe three types of data structures other than arrays. (6 marks).
22. The following are statements in a visual basic program. State the function of each statements. (2 marks) (i) recordset.AddNewFieldList, Values; (ii) “select * from mytable”, Myconnobj, adOpenkeyset. (2 marks)
23. Distinguish between a cls method and a refresh method as used in a visual basic program. (4 marks)
24. Explain three sources of connection of a Ado Data control to the database. (6 marks)
25. Write a visual basic program that would accept the values of a,b and c through the use of a text boxes. The program should then solve the quadratic equation; Then display the results on a picture box. Attach the code to a command click event. Use an if statements. (6 marks)
26. Explain two characteristics of control arrays as used in a basic program. (4 marks)
27. Maurine, a module two student, developed an application using a visual basic program user defined function. Explain two reasons that could justify the use of these functions. (4 marks)
28. Write visual basic program that would initialize two values 20 and 30 to two variables and then swap the values using a function and display a result on a form. Attach the code to a command click event. Use functions. (6 marks)
29. Describe each of the following types of loops giving the general syntax in each case. (6 marks) (i) While…wend (ii) Do…while loop; (iii) Do…until loop
30. Outline the role of each of the following controls in a data report toolbox. (2 marks) (i) Function control. (ii) Textbox control.
31. Describe two mandatory menu editor properties used when executing a menu. (4 marks)
32. Outline the function of each of the following rdo object in a visual basic program: (2 marks) (i) Rdo parameters; (ii) Rdo error.
33. Write a program that would accept twelve values of an array through the use of an inputbox(). The program should then display the values entered in a 2x2 array showing the position of the value in the array in a picture box. Attach the code to a command click event. (6 marks)

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