Discuss five factors to consider when making a decision on which network topology to adopt in your academic


Hardware resources needed.
-Before deciding which topology to set up, you need to consider hardware resources needed because different topologies require different hardware resources. For instance, you may have hardware limitations such as the length of the network cable.

Ease of implementation.
The network topology should be easy to implement thus easy for novice users to utilize.

Size of the Network.
How many devices are going to be on your network? How geographically dispersed are they? How far from the ‘center’ is the furthest device? Some topologies are inadequate or expensive when applied to large networks. A topology that works perfectly for a 5-device network may prove a disaster when applied to a 10,000-device organization

Reliability of the network.
When it comes to reliability, network topologies aren’t created equal. Ring topology performs pretty well under heavy loads but is prone to a single point of failure.

Future Expansion.
If you expect your organization to grow in size in the medium to long-term, opt for a network topology that’s readily scalable. Identify the topology that’s easy to add new nodes to, without negatively affecting network performance or the user experience of other devices on the network. The tree topology is perhaps the most compatible with future expansion requirements as it’s fairly easy to extend or shrink the network.

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