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1.   State the objectives of the formation of African National Congress in South Africa. (Answered)
State the objectives of the formation of African National Congress in South Africa. .
Posted On:Sat 4, September 2021 05:11:39 am
2.   Name the races that were in competition in South Africa during the colonial period. (Answered)
Name the races that were in competition in South Africa during the colonial period. .
Posted On:Sat 4, September 2021 05:10:15 am
3.   State the major reason responsible for the growth of African nationalism in South Africa. (Answered)
State the major reason responsible for the growth of African nationalism in South Africa. .
Posted On:Sat 4, September 2021 05:09:13 am
4.   Identify the political party which ushered South Africa into Political independence in 1994 (Answered)
Identify the political party which ushered South Africa into Political independence in 1994 .
Posted On:Sat 4, September 2021 05:08:15 am
5.   Discuss the problems that were encountered by African nationalist in South Africa during their struggle for majority rule. (Answered)
Discuss the problems that were encountered by African nationalist in South Africa during their struggle for majority rule. .
Posted On:Sat 4, September 2021 05:07:22 am
6.   Name the founder of the Black Consciousness Movement that fought against African discrimination by whites in South Africa. (Answered)
Name the founder of the Black Consciousness Movement that fought against African discrimination by whites in South Africa. .
Posted On:Sat 4, September 2021 05:05:14 am
7.   Give the reasons why it took long for South Africa to achieve black majority rule in the 20th Century. (Answered)
Give the reasons why it took long for South Africa to achieve black majority rule in the 20th Century. .
Posted On:Sat 4, September 2021 05:04:18 am
8.   State how the apartheid regime responded to African nationalists demands in South Africa. (Answered)
State how the apartheid regime responded to African nationalists demands in South Africa. .
Posted On:Sat 4, September 2021 05:03:00 am
9.   Name the military wing of the African National Congress in South Africa. (Answered)
Name the military wing of the African National Congress in South Africa. .
Posted On:Sat 4, September 2021 05:01:49 am
10.   Identify the political parties which fought for freedom of Africans in South Africa. (Answered)
Identify the political parties which fought for freedom of Africans in South Africa. .
Posted On:Sat 4, September 2021 05:00:57 am
11.   Identify the factors which prompted the Portuguese to grant independence to Mozambique. (Answered)
Identify the factors which prompted the Portuguese to grant independence to Mozambique. .
Posted On:Sat 4, September 2021 04:59:49 am
12.   Explain the factors that led to nationalism in Mozambique. (Answered)
Explain the factors that led to nationalism in Mozambique. .
Posted On:Sat 4, September 2021 04:58:01 am
13.   Name the leaders of FRELIMO movement during the struggle for independence in Mozambique. (Answered)
Name the leaders of FRELIMO movement during the struggle for independence in Mozambique. .
Posted On:Sat 4, September 2021 04:56:43 am
14.   Explain the factors for the success of FRELIMO nationalists during their struggle for independence in Mozambique. (Answered)
Explain the factors for the success of FRELIMO nationalists during their struggle for independence in Mozambique. .
Posted On:Sat 4, September 2021 04:55:47 am
15.   Identify the ways in which nationalists in Mozambique eliminated ethnicity. (Answered)
Identify the ways in which nationalists in Mozambique eliminated ethnicity. .
Posted On:Sat 4, September 2021 04:53:52 am
16.   Name the nationalist parties that fought for independence in Mozambique. (Answered)
Name the nationalist parties that fought for independence in Mozambique. .
Posted On:Sat 4, September 2021 04:52:55 am
17.   State the problems that were faced by nationalists in Ghana. (Answered)
State the problems that were faced by nationalists in Ghana. .
Posted On:Sat 4, September 2021 04:52:05 am
18.   Identify the political parties that fought for independence in Ghana. (Answered)
Identify the political parties that fought for independence in Ghana. .
Posted On:Sat 4, September 2021 04:51:06 am
19.   State the ways in which the attainment of independence in Ghana inspired liberation movements in Africa. (Answered)
State the ways in which the attainment of independence in Ghana inspired liberation movements in Africa. .
Posted On:Sat 4, September 2021 04:50:11 am
20.   Name the political party which led Ghana to independence in 1957. (Answered)
Name the political party which led Ghana to independence in 1957. .
Posted On:Sat 4, September 2021 04:48:35 am
21.   Give the causes of nationalism in Ghana. (Answered)
Give the causes of nationalism in Ghana. .
Posted On:Sat 4, September 2021 04:47:38 am
22.   Give the methods used by African nationalists to articulate their grievances in Ghana. (Answered)
Give the methods used by African nationalists to articulate their grievances in Ghana. .
Posted On:Sat 4, September 2021 04:46:11 am
23.   State the important roles played by Kwame Nkrumah in the struggle of independence in Ghana. (Answered)
State the important roles played by Kwame Nkrumah in the struggle of independence in Ghana. .
Posted On:Sat 4, September 2021 04:44:59 am
24.   Give three reasons why Africans were put in reserves during the colonial period. (Answered)
Give three reasons why Africans were put in reserves during the colonial period. .
Posted On:Fri 3, September 2021 16:09:14 pm
25.   Explain six problems experienced by the British East African Company in Kenya. (Answered)
Explain six problems experienced by the British East African Company in Kenya. .
Posted On:Fri 3, September 2021 16:08:17 pm
26.   Explain five factors which led to the migration of African to the urban areas in Kenya during the colonial period. (Answered)
Explain five factors which led to the migration of African to the urban areas in Kenya during the colonial period. .
Posted On:Fri 3, September 2021 16:06:49 pm
27.   Give five factors that influenced the location of urban centres in Kenya during the colonial period. (Answered)
Give five factors that influenced the location of urban centres in Kenya during the colonial period. .
Posted On:Fri 3, September 2021 16:05:17 pm
28.   Give one way in which the construction of the Kenya Uganda railway speeded up the colonization of Kenya. (Answered)
Give one way in which the construction of the Kenya Uganda railway speeded up the colonization of Kenya. .
Posted On:Fri 3, September 2021 16:04:21 pm
29.   Explain six problems faced by Africans in urban centres during the colonial period in Kenya. (Answered)
Explain six problems faced by Africans in urban centres during the colonial period in Kenya. .
Posted On:Fri 3, September 2021 16:03:30 pm
30.   Why did the colonial government deny the Africans the right to grow cash crops in Kenya before 1954? (Answered)
Why did the colonial government deny the Africans the right to grow cash crops in Kenya before 1954? .
Posted On:Fri 3, September 2021 16:02:05 pm
31.   Give one grievance raised by Asians in Kenya that was addressed by the Devonshire white paper. (Answered)
Give one grievance raised by Asians in Kenya that was addressed by the Devonshire white paper. .
Posted On:Fri 3, September 2021 16:01:11 pm
32.   Give three reasons which made the British Government encourage white settlement in Kenya during the colonial period (Answered)
Give three reasons which made the British Government encourage white settlement in Kenya during the colonial period .
Posted On:Fri 3, September 2021 16:00:03 pm
33.   Explain the effects of land alienation Kenya during the colonial period. (Answered)
Explain the effects of land alienation Kenya during the colonial period. .
Posted On:Fri 3, September 2021 15:58:47 pm
34.   Identify two features of African farming in Kenya during the colonial period. (Answered)
Identify two features of African farming in Kenya during the colonial period. .
Posted On:Fri 3, September 2021 15:57:16 pm
35.   State two ways through which European settlers in Kenya were able to get labour force during the colonial period. (Answered)
State two ways through which European settlers in Kenya were able to get labour force during the colonial period. .
Posted On:Fri 3, September 2021 15:56:19 pm
36.   Explain six effects of the construction of the Kenya-Uganda railway. (Answered)
Explain six effects of the construction of the Kenya-Uganda railway. .
Posted On:Fri 3, September 2021 15:55:23 pm
37.   State the objectives of promoting the development of health facilities in Kenya during the colonial period. (Answered)
State the objectives of promoting the development of health facilities in Kenya during the colonial period. .
Posted On:Fri 3, September 2021 15:53:37 pm
38.   Identify the roles played by Africans in the provision of health services in colonial Kenya during the colonial period. (Answered)
Identify the roles played by Africans in the provision of health services in colonial Kenya during the colonial period. .
Posted On:Fri 3, September 2021 15:52:40 pm
39.   Identify the groups of people who offered education in Kenya during the colonial period. (Answered)
Identify the groups of people who offered education in Kenya during the colonial period. .
Posted On:Fri 3, September 2021 15:51:43 pm
40.   State the main challenge that faced the education sector in Kenya during the colonial period. (Answered)
State the main challenge that faced the education sector in Kenya during the colonial period. .
Posted On:Fri 3, September 2021 15:50:52 pm
41.   Identify the main recommendations of the Phelps stokes education commission of 1924 (Answered)
Identify the main recommendations of the Phelps stokes education commission of 1924 .
Posted On:Fri 3, September 2021 15:49:58 pm
42.   Give the main feature of the colonial education in Kenya. (Answered)
Give the main feature of the colonial education in Kenya. .
Posted On:Fri 3, September 2021 15:48:56 pm
43.   Discuss the factors which led to the growth of urban centers during the colonial period in Kenya. (Answered)
Discuss the factors which led to the growth of urban centers during the colonial period in Kenya. .
Posted On:Fri 3, September 2021 15:47:26 pm
44.   State the reasons why trade unionism was more active in Nairobi during the colonial period than other areas. (Answered)
State the reasons why trade unionism was more active in Nairobi during the colonial period than other areas. .
Posted On:Fri 3, September 2021 15:45:54 pm
45.   State the recommendations of the Swynerton plan of 1954. (Answered)
State the recommendations of the Swynerton plan of 1954. .
Posted On:Fri 3, September 2021 15:44:51 pm
46.   Identify the ways in which mission stations promoted economic development in Kenya during the colonial period. (Answered)
Identify the ways in which mission stations promoted economic development in Kenya during the colonial period. .
Posted On:Fri 3, September 2021 15:43:59 pm
47.   Explain the terms of the Devonshire white paper of 1923 (Answered)
Explain the terms of the Devonshire white paper of 1923 .
Posted On:Fri 3, September 2021 15:42:57 pm
48.   Give the main reasons Devonshire white paper intensified the struggle for freedom in Kenya during the colonial period. (Answered)
Give the main reasons Devonshire white paper intensified the struggle for freedom in Kenya during the colonial period. .
Posted On:Fri 3, September 2021 15:41:58 pm
49.   Give the grievances by Africans in 1923 that led to the documentation of the Devonshire white paper. (Answered)
Give the grievances by Africans in 1923 that led to the documentation of the Devonshire white paper. .
Posted On:Fri 3, September 2021 15:41:08 pm
50.   Give the Positive results of the Devonshire white Paper of 1923 on Africans in Kenya. (Answered)
Give the Positive results of the Devonshire white Paper of 1923 on Africans in Kenya. .
Posted On:Fri 3, September 2021 15:40:16 pm
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