Computer Studies questions and answers:Application areas of information and communication technology

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Total of 48 Questions.

1.   Mention four benefits of using ATMs in banking industry.(Answered)
Mention four benefits of using ATMs in banking industry..
Posted On:Mon 27, September 2021 05:51:57 am
2.   List four ways in which computer can help a doctor during consultation with a patient.(Answered)
List four ways in which computer can help a doctor during consultation with a patient..
Posted On:Mon 27, September 2021 05:53:36 am
3.   Explain two ways in which ICT can be used by a country to prepare against natural disasters.(Answered)
Explain two ways in which ICT can be used by a country to prepare against natural disasters..
Posted On:Mon 27, September 2021 05:56:32 am
4.   Describe two ways through which a handheld IT based system or device could be used by the police to verify the authenticity of an individual’s identity card (ID).(Answered)
Describe two ways through which a handheld IT based system or device could be used by the police to verify the authenticity of an individual’s identity card (ID)..
Posted On:Mon 27, September 2021 05:58:29 am
5.   State three ways in which ICT can improve the access of news in Kenya.(Answered)
State three ways in which ICT can improve the access of news in Kenya..
Posted On:Mon 27, September 2021 05:59:59 am
6.   Give four ways in which robots can be used in the army during war.(Answered)
Give four ways in which robots can be used in the army during war..
Posted On:Mon 27, September 2021 06:01:06 am
7.   Mention three benefits of training staff using multimedia training packages instead of face-to-face training.(Answered)
Mention three benefits of training staff using multimedia training packages instead of face-to-face training..
Posted On:Mon 27, September 2021 06:02:50 am
8.   Mention two advantages of advertising on the web instead of using an advertising brochure.(Answered)
Mention two advantages of advertising on the web instead of using an advertising brochure..
Posted On:Mon 27, September 2021 06:04:05 am
9.   An example of artificial intelligence is the use of the office assistant (Clippit) in Microsoft Office. Describe three ways in which Clippit could tell that the user was writing letter.(Answered)
An example of artificial intelligence is the use of the office assistant (Clippit) in Microsoft Office. Describe three ways in which Clippit could tell that the user was writing letter..
Posted On:Mon 27, September 2021 06:05:38 am
10.   Give three dangerous areas or industries where the use of computers simulation would be better than carrying out the real experiment.(Answered)
Give three dangerous areas or industries where the use of computers simulation would be better than carrying out the real experiment..
Posted On:Mon 27, September 2021 06:06:44 am
11.   Give two reason why computer models/simulations are preferred to conventional methods of planning and implementing projects. The conventional method.(Answered)
Give two reason why computer models/simulations are preferred to conventional methods of planning and implementing projects. The conventional method..
Posted On:Mon 27, September 2021 06:08:36 am
12.   Give four advantages of using computers to monitor the health of patients in a hospital instead of nurses.(Answered)
Give four advantages of using computers to monitor the health of patients in a hospital instead of nurses..
Posted On:Mon 27, September 2021 06:09:48 am
13.   List three ways in which a farmer can use computers to monitor growing conditions in a greenhouse.(Answered)
List three ways in which a farmer can use computers to monitor growing conditions in a greenhouse..
Posted On:Mon 27, September 2021 06:11:08 am
14.   Your teacher has asked you to produce an advert for producing an upcoming fundraising football event in the school to the local public. Mention one application software one can use to produce this advert.(Answered)
Your teacher has asked you to produce an advert for producing an upcoming fundraising football event in the school to the local public. Mention one application software one can use to produce this advert..
Posted On:Mon 27, September 2021 06:12:40 am
15.   Give two advantages of using the internet for banking, shopping, booking holidays and theatre tickets.(Answered)
Give two advantages of using the internet for banking, shopping, booking holidays and theatre tickets..
Posted On:Mon 27, September 2021 06:13:42 am
16.   Give two disadvantages of using the internet for banking, shopping, booking holidays and theatre tickets.(Answered)
Give two disadvantages of using the internet for banking, shopping, booking holidays and theatre tickets..
Posted On:Mon 27, September 2021 06:14:49 am
17.   A car repair centre uses an expert system to help diagnose car engine faults. Describe an input, output and processing of this system.(Answered)
A car repair centre uses an expert system to help diagnose car engine faults. Describe an input, output and processing of this system..
Posted On:Mon 27, September 2021 06:15:50 am
18.   An automatic machines is controlled by a microprocessor. They are other many microprocessor controlled devices in the modern homes. State three effects of these on people’s lifestyles(Answered)
An automatic machines is controlled by a microprocessor. They are other many microprocessor controlled devices in the modern homes. State three effects of these on people’s lifestyles.
Posted On:Mon 27, September 2021 06:17:46 am
19.   Mention a job where robots be used and justify their use.(Answered)
Mention a job where robots be used and justify their use..
Posted On:Mon 27, September 2021 06:21:31 am
20.   Given the present technology, mention a job which robots cannot do.(Answered)
Given the present technology, mention a job which robots cannot do..
Posted On:Mon 27, September 2021 06:22:48 am
21.   Airplane use onboard computers to allow them to operate more efficiently and safely. Mention three reasons why computer systems are thought to be safer than human pilots.(Answered)
Airplane use onboard computers to allow them to operate more efficiently and safely. Mention three reasons why computer systems are thought to be safer than human pilots..
Posted On:Mon 27, September 2021 06:24:13 am
22.   Mention two reasons why pilots are still required in airplanes even though they can be operated efficiently using a computer.(Answered)
Mention two reasons why pilots are still required in airplanes even though they can be operated efficiently using a computer..
Posted On:Mon 27, September 2021 06:25:15 am
23.   Give two advantages of virtual reality tours.(Answered)
Give two advantages of virtual reality tours..
Posted On:Mon 27, September 2021 06:26:43 am
24.   List any four application areas of virtual reality.(Answered)
List any four application areas of virtual reality..
Posted On:Mon 27, September 2021 06:27:36 am
25.   Give two advantages of using digital cameras instead of analog cameras.(Answered)
Give two advantages of using digital cameras instead of analog cameras..
Posted On:Mon 27, September 2021 06:29:01 am
26.   State three factors to be considered when creating an expert system.(Answered)
State three factors to be considered when creating an expert system..
Posted On:Mon 27, September 2021 06:30:01 am
27.   Give two advantages of electronic tickets (e-tickets) compared to paper tickets.(Answered)
Give two advantages of electronic tickets (e-tickets) compared to paper tickets..
Posted On:Mon 27, September 2021 06:31:00 am
28.   Give one advantage of the paper ticket system compared to e-tickets.(Answered)
Give one advantage of the paper ticket system compared to e-tickets..
Posted On:Mon 27, September 2021 06:32:11 am
29.   Mention four ways in which computers have affected how music is produced.(Answered)
Mention four ways in which computers have affected how music is produced..
Posted On:Mon 27, September 2021 06:33:46 am
30.   Give two advantages of having bar codes on products in supermarkets nowadays.(Answered)
Give two advantages of having bar codes on products in supermarkets nowadays..
Posted On:Mon 27, September 2021 06:35:12 am
31.   Give four examples of situations where experts systems are used.(Answered)
Give four examples of situations where experts systems are used..
Posted On:Mon 27, September 2021 06:36:14 am
32.   Define the term biometric analysis.(Answered)
Define the term biometric analysis..
Posted On:Mon 27, September 2021 06:37:00 am
33.   Describe two situations in the bus transportation industry where computerized system could replace human employees.(Answered)
Describe two situations in the bus transportation industry where computerized system could replace human employees..
Posted On:Mon 27, September 2021 06:38:10 am
34.   Mention four computerized systems which can be found on board a bus that would be of benefit to passengers.(Answered)
Mention four computerized systems which can be found on board a bus that would be of benefit to passengers..
Posted On:Mon 27, September 2021 06:39:33 am
35.   Give three disadvantages of computerization of the bus transport.(Answered)
Give three disadvantages of computerization of the bus transport..
Posted On:Mon 27, September 2021 06:40:36 am
36.   Give four advantages of computerization of the bus transport.(Answered)
Give four advantages of computerization of the bus transport..
Posted On:Mon 27, September 2021 06:41:47 am
37.   Give four ways in which the internet can be used for entertainment.(Answered)
Give four ways in which the internet can be used for entertainment..
Posted On:Mon 27, September 2021 06:42:28 am
38.   State four different services on the internet that may be used by a high school student to help with homework.(Answered)
State four different services on the internet that may be used by a high school student to help with homework..
Posted On:Mon 27, September 2021 06:43:26 am
39.   Describe positive and negative impacts related to teenage use of the internet for entertainment.(Answered)
Describe positive and negative impacts related to teenage use of the internet for entertainment..
Posted On:Mon 27, September 2021 06:44:51 am
40.   Identify five pieces of information needed by a computer model to forecast tomorrow’s weather.(Answered)
Identify five pieces of information needed by a computer model to forecast tomorrow’s weather..
Posted On:Mon 27, September 2021 06:45:43 am
41.   Describe three advantages of using computers to predict weather.(Answered)
Describe three advantages of using computers to predict weather..
Posted On:Mon 27, September 2021 06:47:04 am
42.   Explain two reasons why it is impossible for a computer model to predict the weather with the total accuracy.(Answered)
Explain two reasons why it is impossible for a computer model to predict the weather with the total accuracy..
Posted On:Mon 27, September 2021 06:48:53 am
43.   Define the following terms. i) Data mining. ii) Data matching. (Answered)
Define the following terms. i) Data mining. ii) Data matching. .
Posted On:Mon 27, September 2021 06:50:16 am
44.   Give three uses of spreadsheets in a government office concerned with the carrying out national census.(Answered)
Give three uses of spreadsheets in a government office concerned with the carrying out national census..
Posted On:Mon 27, September 2021 06:51:07 am
45.   Give two reasons why the internet can be undesirable as a source of reference materials.(Answered)
Give two reasons why the internet can be undesirable as a source of reference materials..
Posted On:Mon 27, September 2021 06:52:06 am
46.   Define the term virtual reality.(Answered)
Define the term virtual reality..
Posted On:Mon 27, September 2021 06:59:17 am
47.   Describe three interactive sensory pieces of equipment required for artificial reality to be possible.(Answered)
Describe three interactive sensory pieces of equipment required for artificial reality to be possible..
Posted On:Mon 27, September 2021 07:01:32 am
48.   State two application areas of artificial reality.(Answered)
State two application areas of artificial reality..
Posted On:Mon 27, September 2021 07:03:20 am
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