History and Government questions and answers:Constitution and constitution making

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Total of 30 Questions.

1.   Define the term constitution(Answered)
Define the term constitution.
Posted On:Fri 3, September 2021 06:28:53 am
2.   Give the functions of a constitution(Answered)
Give the functions of a constitution.
Posted On:Fri 3, September 2021 06:34:14 am
3.   Identify the characteristics of a good constitution.(Answered)
Identify the characteristics of a good constitution..
Posted On:Fri 3, September 2021 06:36:17 am
4.   Identify two types of Constitutions.(Answered)
Identify two types of Constitutions..
Posted On:Fri 3, September 2021 06:37:54 am
5.   What is the difference between a written and unwritten constitution?(Answered)
What is the difference between a written and unwritten constitution?.
Posted On:Fri 3, September 2021 06:39:29 am
6.   Give the disadvantages of written constitution.(Answered)
Give the disadvantages of written constitution..
Posted On:Fri 3, September 2021 06:41:29 am
7.   State the advantages of unwritten constitution.(Answered)
State the advantages of unwritten constitution..
Posted On:Fri 3, September 2021 06:43:13 am
8.   Name one country that uses an unwritten constitution(Answered)
Name one country that uses an unwritten constitution.
Posted On:Fri 3, September 2021 06:44:19 am
9.   Discuss the sources of the British unwritten constitution.(Answered)
Discuss the sources of the British unwritten constitution..
Posted On:Fri 3, September 2021 06:47:42 am
10.   Identify the main sources of law in Kenya during the precolonial era.(Answered)
Identify the main sources of law in Kenya during the precolonial era..
Posted On:Fri 3, September 2021 06:49:12 am
11.   Name the body which made laws in Kenya during the colonial period.(Answered)
Name the body which made laws in Kenya during the colonial period..
Posted On:Fri 3, September 2021 06:50:28 am
12.   State the main result of the Lyttelton constitutional amendment of 1954.(Answered)
State the main result of the Lyttelton constitutional amendment of 1954..
Posted On:Fri 3, September 2021 06:51:53 am
13.   What reforms resulted from the Lyttelton constitution of 1954 in Kenya?(Answered)
What reforms resulted from the Lyttelton constitution of 1954 in Kenya?.
Posted On:Fri 3, September 2021 06:53:27 am
14.   Identify the recommendations of the Lennox Boyd constitution of 1958.(Answered)
Identify the recommendations of the Lennox Boyd constitution of 1958..
Posted On:Fri 3, September 2021 06:55:14 am
15.   Give two major reasons for the convention of the Second Lancaster House Conference in 1962.(Answered)
Give two major reasons for the convention of the Second Lancaster House Conference in 1962..
Posted On:Fri 3, September 2021 06:56:50 am
16.   Explain the ways in which the Bill of Rights protects the rights of the individual.(Answered)
Explain the ways in which the Bill of Rights protects the rights of the individual..
Posted On:Fri 3, September 2021 07:00:25 am
17.   Name the major constitutional amendment that occurred in 1964 in Kenya(Answered)
Name the major constitutional amendment that occurred in 1964 in Kenya.
Posted On:Fri 3, September 2021 07:02:21 am
18.   What constitutional amendment made Kenya to revert to a multi-party state in 1991.(Answered)
What constitutional amendment made Kenya to revert to a multi-party state in 1991..
Posted On:Fri 3, September 2021 07:04:16 am
19.   Identify the type of constitution that Kenya had at independence.(Answered)
Identify the type of constitution that Kenya had at independence..
Posted On:Fri 3, September 2021 07:05:32 am
20.   Discuss the contentious issues during the constitution making process in Kenya.(Answered)
Discuss the contentious issues during the constitution making process in Kenya..
Posted On:Fri 3, September 2021 07:09:05 am
21.   Identify the main organs which performed specific functions in the constitution making process Kenya.(Answered)
Identify the main organs which performed specific functions in the constitution making process Kenya..
Posted On:Fri 3, September 2021 07:10:43 am
22.   Describe the main Constitutional changes in Kenya since independence up to 2010.(Answered)
Describe the main Constitutional changes in Kenya since independence up to 2010..
Posted On:Fri 3, September 2021 07:19:20 am
23.   Describe the main features of the constitution of Kenya.(Answered)
Describe the main features of the constitution of Kenya..
Posted On:Fri 3, September 2021 07:25:43 am
24.   State two provisions of the independence Constitution of Kenya.(Answered)
State two provisions of the independence Constitution of Kenya..
Posted On:Fri 3, September 2021 07:29:06 am
25.   State one advantage of a written constitution.(Answered)
State one advantage of a written constitution..
Posted On:Fri 3, September 2021 07:30:39 am
26.   Give one way in which the constitution of Kenya guarantees the rule of law.(Answered)
Give one way in which the constitution of Kenya guarantees the rule of law..
Posted On:Fri 3, September 2021 07:32:06 am
27.   Identify five requirements in the constitution making process.(Answered)
Identify five requirements in the constitution making process..
Posted On:Fri 3, September 2021 07:35:22 am
28.   Give three reasons why the constitution is important in Kenya.(Answered)
Give three reasons why the constitution is important in Kenya..
Posted On:Fri 3, September 2021 07:39:31 am
29.   State two ways in which the National Accord and Reconciliation Act, 2008 affected the composition of the government in Kenya.(Answered)
State two ways in which the National Accord and Reconciliation Act, 2008 affected the composition of the government in Kenya..
Posted On:Fri 3, September 2021 07:41:05 am
30.   State five decisions reached after the first Lancaster House conference of 1960. (Answered)
State five decisions reached after the first Lancaster House conference of 1960. .
Posted On:Fri 3, September 2021 07:43:18 am
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