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1.   State the role of king Leopold in the scramble and partition of Africa. (Answered)
State the role of king Leopold in the scramble and partition of Africa. .
Posted On:Tue 29, June 2021 20:29:37 pm
2.   State one major discovery that revolutionized agriculture in Egypt. (Answered)
State one major discovery that revolutionized agriculture in Egypt. .
Posted On:Tue 29, June 2021 20:27:39 pm
3.   Identify two benefits enjoyed by the commonwealth member states. (Answered)
Identify two benefits enjoyed by the commonwealth member states. .
Posted On:Tue 29, June 2021 20:26:19 pm
4.   How did Ghana’s independence contribute to the liberation of other African countries? (Answered)
How did Ghana’s independence contribute to the liberation of other African countries? .
Posted On:Tue 29, June 2021 20:24:38 pm
5.   What were the contributions of religion in maji maji uprising? (Answered)
What were the contributions of religion in maji maji uprising? .
Posted On:Tue 29, June 2021 20:22:54 pm
6.   State two negative effects of scientific innovations in agriculture. (Answered)
State two negative effects of scientific innovations in agriculture. .
Posted On:Tue 29, June 2021 20:20:54 pm
7.   Identify factors that determine colonial administration. (Answered)
Identify factors that determine colonial administration. .
Posted On:Tue 29, June 2021 20:19:26 pm
8.   Mention two factors which limit parliamentary supremacy in Britain. (Answered)
Mention two factors which limit parliamentary supremacy in Britain. .
Posted On:Tue 29, June 2021 20:17:26 pm
9.   Give two factors which affect the growth and change of history and government. (Answered)
Give two factors which affect the growth and change of history and government. .
Posted On:Tue 29, June 2021 20:15:50 pm
10.   Identify two political factors leading to the decline of Trans-Atlantic trade. (Answered)
Identify two political factors leading to the decline of Trans-Atlantic trade. .
Posted On:Tue 29, June 2021 20:13:08 pm
11.   State two advantages of land enclosure system in Britain. (Answered)
State two advantages of land enclosure system in Britain. .
Posted On:Tue 29, June 2021 20:11:39 pm
12.   State one cause of the death of pioneer creatures. (Answered)
State one cause of the death of pioneer creatures. .
Posted On:Tue 29, June 2021 20:09:28 pm
13.   Give evidence from where man’s past is obtained. (Answered)
Give evidence from where man’s past is obtained. .
Posted On:Tue 29, June 2021 20:07:45 pm
14.   Give one economic factors that promote national unity in Kenya. (Answered)
Give one economic factors that promote national unity in Kenya. .
Posted On:Sat 26, June 2021 07:11:42 am
15.   Give two ways in which education has promoted national unity in Kenya. (Answered)
Give two ways in which education has promoted national unity in Kenya. .
Posted On:Sat 26, June 2021 07:11:05 am
16.   Give two reasons that ca make a registered person lose citizenship in Kenya. (Answered)
Give two reasons that ca make a registered person lose citizenship in Kenya. .
Posted On:Sat 26, June 2021 07:10:16 am
17.   Identify two peaceful ways of resolving conflicts. (Answered)
Identify two peaceful ways of resolving conflicts. .
Posted On:Sat 26, June 2021 07:09:13 am
18.   Explain six factors which undermine National Unity in Kenya. (Answered)
Explain six factors which undermine National Unity in Kenya. .
Posted On:Sat 26, June 2021 07:08:25 am
19.   Give three symbols of national Unity. (Answered)
Give three symbols of national Unity. .
Posted On:Sat 26, June 2021 07:07:02 am
20.   Describe the general steps to take when solving a conflict. (Answered)
Describe the general steps to take when solving a conflict. .
Posted On:Sat 26, June 2021 07:06:33 am
21.   Describe the steps to follow when arbitrating a conflict. (Answered)
Describe the steps to follow when arbitrating a conflict. .
Posted On:Sat 26, June 2021 07:05:37 am
22.   Explain the steps to be taken when mediating a conflict. (Answered)
Explain the steps to be taken when mediating a conflict. .
Posted On:Sat 26, June 2021 07:04:39 am
23.   Explain the steps to be followed when negotiating conflict. (Answered)
Explain the steps to be followed when negotiating conflict. .
Posted On:Sat 26, June 2021 07:03:30 am
24.   Which is the main disadvantage of using negotiation as a method of conflict resolution? (Answered)
Which is the main disadvantage of using negotiation as a method of conflict resolution? .
Posted On:Sat 26, June 2021 07:02:27 am
25.   Identify the political causes of conflicts in Kenya. (Answered)
Identify the political causes of conflicts in Kenya. .
Posted On:Sat 26, June 2021 07:01:54 am
26.   Identify the economic cause of conflicts in Kenya. (Answered)
Identify the economic cause of conflicts in Kenya. .
Posted On:Sat 26, June 2021 07:01:06 am
27.   What is the meaning of the term conflict resolution? (Answered)
What is the meaning of the term conflict resolution? .
Posted On:Sat 26, June 2021 07:00:30 am
28.   Define the term conflict. (Answered)
Define the term conflict. .
Posted On:Sat 26, June 2021 06:59:55 am
29.   Show how poverty hinders national unity in Kenya. (Answered)
Show how poverty hinders national unity in Kenya. .
Posted On:Sat 26, June 2021 06:59:22 am
30.   Explain the importance of national Integration. (Answered)
Explain the importance of national Integration. .
Posted On:Sat 26, June 2021 06:58:42 am
31.   What is national integration? (Answered)
What is national integration? .
Posted On:Sat 26, June 2021 06:57:48 am
32.   Give one economic responsibility of a Kenyan citizen. (Answered)
Give one economic responsibility of a Kenyan citizen. .
Posted On:Thu 24, June 2021 21:30:23 pm
33.   Give three conditions that a person should meet to qualify to be a Kenyan citizen by birth. (Answered)
Give three conditions that a person should meet to qualify to be a Kenyan citizen by birth. .
Posted On:Thu 24, June 2021 21:29:40 pm
34.   Give one reason why government of Kenya may limit a person freedom of speech. (Answered)
Give one reason why government of Kenya may limit a person freedom of speech. .
Posted On:Thu 24, June 2021 21:28:49 pm
35.   State ways in which a person can become a citizen of Kenya. (Answered)
State ways in which a person can become a citizen of Kenya. .
Posted On:Thu 24, June 2021 21:27:45 pm
36.   Identify the condition to be met when a child is detained as a measure of last resort. (Answered)
Identify the condition to be met when a child is detained as a measure of last resort. .
Posted On:Thu 24, June 2021 21:26:04 pm
37.   Outline the rights of a child as contained in the Kenyan constitution. (Answered)
Outline the rights of a child as contained in the Kenyan constitution. .
Posted On:Thu 24, June 2021 21:25:20 pm
38.   Explain the civic rights of a Kenyan citizen according to the constitution. (Answered)
Explain the civic rights of a Kenyan citizen according to the constitution. .
Posted On:Thu 24, June 2021 21:24:09 pm
39.   Explain the values of a good citizen. (Answered)
Explain the values of a good citizen. .
Posted On:Thu 24, June 2021 21:21:53 pm
40.   State the social responsibilities of a Kenyan citizen. (Answered)
State the social responsibilities of a Kenyan citizen. .
Posted On:Thu 24, June 2021 21:19:48 pm
41.   Explain the social rights of an individual in Kenya. (Answered)
Explain the social rights of an individual in Kenya. .
Posted On:Thu 24, June 2021 21:18:04 pm
42.   State the circumstances that make a Kenyan citizen to be denied the right to life. (Answered)
State the circumstances that make a Kenyan citizen to be denied the right to life. .
Posted On:Thu 24, June 2021 21:16:45 pm
43.   Name the document that contains the right of citizens in Kenya. (Answered)
Name the document that contains the right of citizens in Kenya. .
Posted On:Thu 24, June 2021 21:15:59 pm
44.   Give the disadvantages of dual citizenship (Answered)
Give the disadvantages of dual citizenship .
Posted On:Thu 24, June 2021 21:15:25 pm
45.   State circumstances under which one may lose Kenyan citizenship after registration (Answered)
State circumstances under which one may lose Kenyan citizenship after registration .
Posted On:Thu 24, June 2021 21:14:26 pm
46.   Identify the main constitutional change on citizenship which was entrenched in the new constitution in the year 2010 (Answered)
Identify the main constitutional change on citizenship which was entrenched in the new constitution in the year 2010 .
Posted On:Thu 24, June 2021 21:13:22 pm
47.   State the circumstances under which one may acquire citizenship through registration in Kenya. (Answered)
State the circumstances under which one may acquire citizenship through registration in Kenya. .
Posted On:Thu 24, June 2021 21:12:43 pm
48.   Give the advantages of dual citizenship. (Answered)
Give the advantages of dual citizenship. .
Posted On:Thu 24, June 2021 21:11:51 pm
49.   What is citizenship? (Answered)
What is citizenship? .
Posted On:Thu 24, June 2021 21:11:02 pm
50.   Explain five ways the commonwealth member countries have benefited from the organization. (Answered)
Explain five ways the commonwealth member countries have benefited from the organization. .
Posted On:Thu 24, June 2021 13:11:46 pm
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